Bruker: Collecting Data
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Sample Preparation Subtopics
Introduction to Collecting Bruker Data
basic outline of procedure – chemistry computer account – Topspin automation – choosing sample position – sample holder – depth gauge – sample positioning (including Shigemi tubes)
TopSpin Automation Queue
setup study (name, exp #, solvent, chose spectra) – adjusting parameters – day queue vs night queue
Misc Topics
estimating the concentration from a 1H spectrum (i.e., using Eretic) – continuing a previous study – ,isc topics: how to turn off NOE for 13C, coupled HSQC, coupled vs decoupled 31P – estimating signal averaging time based on concentration (examples)
Bruker: Selective 1D & 2D Protocols
1D-selective TOCSY and NOESY – band-selective HSQC and HMBC – running scout spectra – setting up selective protocols under automation – processing data
Bruker: noD-HQ
How to calculate the concentration of a solute in a protonated solvent