Useful NMR Resources
You can install TopSpin on your personal computer. You will need to jump through a few hoops to sign up for the free academic license. Also, when installing the software, make sure you choose "customize" and include the license server.
VnmrJ has been released as open source software. In principle, you can install this on your personal computer; however, it can be tricky to get working correctly.
Dr. Hans Reich's NMR Page
There is a huge amount of information here (and that's an understatement!) Lots of examples from the literature (most of it taken from Dr. Reich's own research). Definitely worth exploring for NMR applied to synthetic chemistry.
Multinuclear NMR Data
The NMR Facility at Hebrew University has an extensive collection of data on all NMR active nuclei with charts of chemical shifts ranges, example spectra, examples of J coupling, etc. Very useful if venturing beyond the more familiar isotopes.
Interactive Map of NMR Active Nuclei
Alexej Jerschow put together an interactive webpage to help you visualize the relative frequency and receptivity of different NMR active isotopes.