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Kelly Lab

Santosh Misal

Alumni Post-Doc

Dr. Santosh A. Misal obtained the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry from Savitribai Phule Pune University, India and completed postdoctoral research training at the Department of Chemistry, Indiana University Bloomington, USA. During his Ph.D., he identified and characterized the novel azoreductase/nitroreductase enzymes system in alkaliphilic bacteria that helps in the bioremediation of xenobiotics as well as detoxification of toxic azo compounds in the human body. At Indiana University Bloomington, he worked in the laboratory of Professor Jim Reilly and learned  “ the nuts and bolts of mass spectrometry and proteomics" methods. He discovered the signal peptidase mechanism in S. aureus pathogenic bacteria by chemical labeling technique.

Here at Kelly lab, he works on multiple research projects mainly leveraging the NanoPOTS for neuronal proteomics in human motor neuron diseases. He is also further developing the chemical labeling and crosslinking techniques for single-cell proteomic analysis.