Flow Cytometry Facility Policies Skip to main content

Flow Cytometry Facility Policies


  • The current pricing for the Attune Nxt is $16/hr ($700/mo maximum for heavy users).
  • The current pricing for the S3e cell sorter is $45/hr ($600/mo maximum for heavy users).


  • All trained users should use the links or instructions on the website to schedule a time to use the flow cytometer or cell sorter.
  • All users should strive to finish their experiments by the end of their scheduled time to avoid other users who are scheduled to use the instrumentation at their scheduled time.
  • If you do not use the instrument when you sign up or repeatedly fail to cancel your appointments at least 4 hours in advance, your access privileges to the instruments may be revoked.


  • All users should follow the appropriate procedures to start up and shut down the instruments at the beginning and end of their instrument use.
  • Users failing to follow the standard procedures and good lab practices may have their user privileges revoked.