BS, Brigham Young University (1996)
MS, Brigham Young University (1998)
PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2004)
Postdoctoral Research, Institute for Shock Physics, Washington State University (2004-2007)
Alexander J. Farnsworth, Kayla M. Holland, Aaron L. Zaugg, Fetutasi Pauga, Shane M. Drake, Paul B. Savage*, James E. Patterson*, Enhanced Shear Strength of a Medical Adhesive Due to an Antimicrobial Additive
Kayla M. Holland, Aldair Alejandro, Daisy J. H. Ludlow, Paige K. Petersen, Melodie A. Wright, Caitlin C. Chartrand, David J. Michaelis*, Jeremy A. Johnson*, James E. Patterson*, Characterization of Organic Crystals for Second Harmonic Generation
Alexander J. Farnsworth, Shawn C. Averett, Matthew C. Asplund, James E. Patterson, Temporal Profile of Nonresonant Sum-Frequency Signal from Single-Crystal Silicon Depends on Crystal Orientation
Eric R. Homer*, Oliver K. Johnson, Darcey Britton, James E. Patterson, Eric T. Sevy, Gregory B. Thompson, A classical equation that accounts for observations of non-Arrhenius and cryogenic grain boundary migration
Kaylee N. Rellaford, Dallin L. Smith, Alexander J. Farnsworth, Shane M. Drake, Hoon Lee, James E. Patterson, Use of Nonlinear Optics for Assessment of Cable Polymer Aging
Kaylee N. Rellaford, Shawn C. Averett, Alexander J. Farnsworth, Derrik D. Adams, Scott D. Smith, David T. Fullwood, James E. Patterson; Characterization of Mechanical Deformation in Aluminum by Optical Second harmonic Generation.
Matthew C. Asplund, Jeremy A. Johnson, James E. Patterson; The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics: Optical Tweezers and Chirped Pulse Amplification.
Dhananjay I. Patel, Catherine G. McKenas, Dhruv Shah, Matthew R. Lockett, James E. Patterson, Matthew R. Linford; Multi-Instrument Characterization of Carbon Nanodot Materials: Description of Two More Analytical Technics (ToF-SIMS and Raman) with Specific Considerations Related to Research in the Lockett Group at UNC Chapel Hill, Part 3. Vacuum Technology & Coating, June 2018, 24-28.
Shawn C. Averett, Steven K. Stanley, Joshua J. Hanson, Stacey J. Smith, James E. Patterson; Surface Spectroscopic Signatures of Mechanical Deformation in HDPE
Shawn C. Averett, Angela R. Calchera, James E. Patterson; Polarization and Phase Characteristics of Non-resonant Sum Frequency Generation Response from a Silicon (111) Surface. Optics Letters, 2015, 40(21), 4879-4882.
Alexander D. Curtis, Angela R. Calchera, Matthew C. Asplund, James E. Patterson; Observation of Sub-Surface Phenyl Rings in Polystyrene with Vibrationally Resonant Sum-Frequency Generation. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2013, 68, 71-81.
Angela R. Calchera, Alexander D. Curtis, James E. Patterson; Plasma Treatment of Polystyrene Thin Films Affects More Than the Surface. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 3493-3499.
Eric R. Mansfield, Danielle S. Mansfield, James E. Patterson, Thomas A. Knotts, IV; Effects of Chain Grafting Positions and Surface Coverage on Conformations of Model RPLC Stationary Phases. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 8456-8464.
Arthur D. Quast, Nathan C. Wilde, Sam S. Matthews, Scott T. Maughan, Steven L. Castle, James E. Patterson; Improved Assignment of Vibrational Modes in the C-H Stretch Region for Surface Bound C18 Silanes, Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2012, 61, 17-24.
Arthur D. Quast, Alexander D. Curtis, Brent A. Horn, Steven R. Goates, James E. Patterson; Role of Nonresonant Sum-Frequency Generation in the Investigation of Model Liquid Chromatography Systems, Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 1862-1870.
Alexander D. Curtis, Matthew C. Asplund, James E. Patterson; Use of Variable Time-Delayed Sum-Frequency Generation for Improved Spectroscopic Analysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 19303-19310.
Alexander D. Curtis, Scott R. Burt, Angela R. Calchera, James E. Patterson; Limitations in the Analysis of Vibrational Sum-Frequency Spectra Arising from the Nonresonant Contribution. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 11550-11559.
Arthur D. Quast, Feng Zhang, Matthew R. Linford, James E. Patterson; Back-Surface Gold Mirrors for Vibrationally Resonant Sum-Frequency Generation (VR-SFG) Spectroscopy Using 3-Mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane as an Adhesion Promoter. Applied Spectroscopy, 2011, 65, 634-641.
Ming Yu, Qingsong Wang, James E. Patterson, Adam T. Woolley; Multilayer Polymer Microchip Capillary Array Electrophoresis Devices with Integrated On-Chip Labeling for High-Throughput Protein Analysis. Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83, 3541-3547.
Alexander D. Curtis, Sarah B. Reynolds, Angela R. Calchera, James E. Patterson; Understanding the Role of Nonresonant Sum-Frequency Generation from Polystyrene Thin Films. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2010, 1, 2435-2439.