Curriculum Vitae
Repeated success guiding education in physical and life sciences and grant-funded research projects in the areas of professional development for K-12 science teachers, professional development for STEM university faculty, and interventions that support student achievement in general chemistry. A strong tradition of collaborative and interdisciplinary research that is integrated with the education of undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students. Strong record of published research in chemistry and STEM education, a commitment to research and teaching, compelling plans for an independent research program, and the desire to collaborate with current STEM education research faculty and utilize existing discipline-based education research resources. Research interests and experience include pedagogy/andragogy, inclusive teaching practices, and mixed quantitative and qualitative methods.
Education & Credentials
Doctor of Philosophy, Educational Inquiry, Measurement, and Evaluation, 2019 – Brigham Young University
Dissertation: Understanding STEM Faculty Members' Instructional Decisions about Evidence-Based Instructional
Master of Education, Educational Leadership, 2013 – Southern Utah University
LEAD Program for Administrative Licensure
Master of Arts, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, 2005 – Harvard University
Program in Molecular, Cellular and Chemical Biology
Coursework and skills included: Frontiers in Biophysics, Chemical Biology, Molecular Biology of the Cell, and Macromolecular Structure & Function; cell culture, protein expression & purification, PCR, plasmid design, transformation, transfection, gel electrophoresis, fluorescence microscopy, and proteomics.
Bachelor of Arts, Chemistry (summa sum laude), 2001 – Boston University
Education-Focused Funding & Research Accomplishments
Discovery Research K-12 Program: Developing the Pedagogical Skills and Science Expertise of Teachers in Underserved Rural Settings, National Science Foundation. PI, Novel professional learning via Technology-Mediated Lesson Study, to support social networks of rural science teachers ($2,997,818). 2021 – 2025.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program, Chemistry and Biochemistry REU Site to Prepare Students for Graduate School and an Industrial Career CHE-1757627/CHE-2050872, National Science Foundation. Co-PI, Program Director for Research Experiences for Teachers ($331,950/$371,250). 2018 – 2023.
Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Program, The STEM Faculty Institute to Promote Faculty Change DUE-1712056, National Science Foundation. Co-PI, Professional development and mentoring for the use of evidence- based instructional practices by STEM faculty ($324,945). 2017 – 2023.
Professional Experience
Associate Teaching Professor, 2020 – Present
Assistant Teaching Professor, 2014 – 2020
Play an important role in the advancement of Chemistry Education, while contributing to the teaching mission of the university. Interface with established programs on campus that focus on aspects of science education, including educator preparation program. Develop and teach General Chemistry Chem 105/106, General Chemistry Laboratory Chem 107, and Chemistry for Preservice Teachers Chem 331. Work with fellow faculty to maintain and improve the Chemistry Program. Contribute to University and Departmental committees and to professional organizations.
• Richard R. Roskelly Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellowship, Brigham Young University, 2023.
• Early Career Teaching Award, Brigham Young University College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2022.
• Serve as Coordinator for General Chemistry Laboratories, Chemistry 107, training and managing 30-40 undergraduate TAs and 4-6 undergraduate Student Instructors, working together to teach the labs, which serve ~1500 students annually. Create and curate all course content, coordinate with stockroom employees to manage instruments and chemical preparation and in all ways supervise and direct the smooth execution of the course.
• Mentor and lead ~10 additional grad and undergrad TAs for the lecture courses Chemistry 105/106.
• Co-Creator of BYU Summer Chem Camp for youth ages 9-14, Co-Director from inception in 2015 until 2021.
• Created fully functional OER textbooks and ancillaries for the general chemistry sequence housed at
• In addition to teaching, and beyond the specific responsibilities outlined in position description, source and apply for external grants, conduct research, mentor research students, and publish in peer-reviewed journals.
• STEMFI ($325k) was a collaborative, interdisciplinary project working with biology, chemistry, engineering, education, and the center for teaching and learning at BYU, which sought to improve instructional methods of STEM faculty and research the factors that influence faculty decision-making about evidence-based instructional practices.
• 3D-RST ($3M) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary project engaged with colleagues at BYU in biology, sociology, and education, and an education colleague from Utah State, which seeks to support high-quality K-12 science teaching in Utah's rural schools by providing professional learning opportunities for rural teachers. Direct the work of the grant by supervising a project manager, overseeing the research teams studying social networks of teachers, adoption of 3D science practices in the classroom, and technology-mediated lesson study as a novel form of professional development. Work with advisory board members from across the country, and with school districts and teachers from across the state.
Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow, 2013 to 2014
Applied extensive knowledge and classroom experiences to STEM education program and education policy efforts. Designed new elements of STEM education programs, implementing major components, and contributing to teacher preparation in STEM.
• Directorate for Education and Human Resources, Division of Undergraduate Education.
• Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program and Math Science Partnerships/STEM-C Partnerships Program.
• Initiated collaborations and partnerships among Federal agencies to further advance policies in diversity, equity, and inclusion within STEM education.
Consultant, 2012 to Present
Contribute to the provision of research-based standards for Utah science education founded on what science is, how science is learned, and the multiple dimensions of scientific work. Lead and oversee projects for education policy and standards. Partner with colleagues to ensure the effective management and achievement of shared goals.
• Served as member of Planning and Facilitation Team for Utah Science Core Academy, ensuring Core Curriculum represents standards of learning essential for all students.
• Writer and Team Lead for OER textbooks and state Science and Engineering Education (SEEd) standards using A
Framework for K–12 Science Education, the Next Generation Science Standards.
• Member of Assessment Writing Team for statewide chemistry exams.
Adjunct Instructor, 2010 to 2013
Responsible to prepare and deliver Chemistry and Biology coursework in engaging, innovative, and discipline-appropriate ways that reflect a commitment to success equity, respect for diversity, an understanding of culturally responsive teaching, and knowledge of the teaching field. Met professional standards for faculty in accordance with college policies and procedures.
• Delivered on-campus courses and concurrent enrollment courses taught at Bingham High School. Chemistry 1010 Introductory Chemistry, Chemistry 1110 Chemistry for Pre-Health Professions, Biology 1010 Introductory Biology, Biology 1090 Human Biology.
• Prepared and taught courses in the field of Chemistry and Biology to a diverse student population based on the department's approved course learning outcomes, utilizing a variety of instructional strategies appropriate to the needs of community college students and the standards of the discipline.
• Evaluated student progress and provided clear, timely feedback reflecting program learning outcomes and departmental expectations.
• Remained current in the field through a variety of professional development activities.
Teacher and Secondary Science Specialist, 2010 – 2013
Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, 2011
Chemistry and Biology Teacher, 2005 – 2010
Recent Publications
*corresponding author; †undergraduate student co-author; §graduate student co-author
Poulsen, T.§, Daly, A., Sansom, R.L.* (2023). Uncovering the connections among rural science teachers: A social network analysis. (submitted to AERA Open)
Poulsen, T.§, Leary, H.M., Feinauer Whiting, E., Sansom, R.L.* (2023). Social network analysis of educators in rural schools: A literature review. (submitted to Journal of Research in Rural Education)
Smith, C.M.§, Leary, H.M., Jensen, J.L., Sansom, R.L.* (2023). Ten years of three-dimensional science: Barriers to classroom implementation. (submitted to Journal of Science Teacher Education)
Hudson, A.M., Leary, H., Longhurst, M.L., Stowers, J.A., Poulsen, T.§, Smith, C.M.§, Sansom, R.L.* (2023) Technology-Mediated Lesson Study: A Step-by-Step Guide. (under review at International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies)
St. Clair, B., Jensen, J.L., Sansom, R.L. (2023) Iterating toward change: Improving student-centered teaching through the STEM faculty institute (STEMFI). PLoS ONE (accepted).
Sansom, R.L.*, Winters, D. §, St. Clair, B.E., West, R.E., Jensen, J.L. (2023) Factors that influence STEM faculty use of evidence-based instructional practices: An ecological model. PLoS ONE 18 (1), e0281290.
Sansom, R.L.* (2022) Ecological Models of Behavior Change. Invited, peer-reviewed, online publication. Available at
West, R., Jensen, J., Sansom, R.L., Nielson, J., Wright, G., Johnson, M. (2022) STEM Faculty Institute: An Intensive Interdisciplinary Effort To Improve STEM Faculty Adoption of Evidence-based Instructional Practices. Journal of College Science Teaching 51(3), 78-87. Available at
Sansom, R.L.* (2021) Make Thinking Explicit to Support Student Learning, in Decision-Based Learning: An innovative pedagogy that unpacks expert knowledge for the novice learner, edited by Wentworth, N., Plummer, K.J., and Swan, R.H. Emerald Publishing, Bingley, UK.
Sansom, R.L.* (2021) Theory of Planned Behavior. Invited, peer-reviewed, online publication. Available at
Sansom, R.L.*, Clinton-Lisell, V., Fischer, L. (2021) Let Students Choose: Examining the Impact Open Educational Resources on Performance in General Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education 98(3), 745-755. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00595
West, R.E., Sansom, R.L, Nielson, J., Wright, G., Turley, R.S., Jensen, J., Johnson, M. (2021) Ideas for supporting student-centered STEM learning through remote labs: A response. Educational Technology Research and Development 69, 263-268. DOI: 10.1007/s11423-020-09905-y.
Sansom, R.L.* (2020) Pressure from the pandemic: Pedagogical dissatisfaction when beliefs and practices do not align. Journal of Chemical Education. 97(9), 2378-2382. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00657.
Sansom, R.L.*, Bodily, R.§, Bates, C.†, Leary, H. (2020). Increasing student use of a learner dashboard. Journal of Science Education and Technology 29(3), 386-398. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-020-09824-w.
Sansom, R.L.*, Walker, J. (2019). Investing in Laboratory Courses. Journal of Chemical Education 97(1), 308-309. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00714.
Reynders, G.§, Suh, E.†, Cole, R., Sansom, R.L.* (2019). Developing Student Process Skills in a General Chemistry Laboratory. Journal of Chemical Education 96(10), 2109-2119.
Sansom, R.L.*, Suh, E.†, Plummer, K.J. (2019). Decision-Based Learning: If I Just Knew Which Equation to Use, I Know I Could Solve this Problem! Journal of Chemical Education 96(3), 445-454.
Sansom, R.L.* (2014-2023). Chemistry 107 Laboratory Manual (1st-8th eds.). Plymouth, MI: Macmillan Learning. Updated and revised annually.
Recent Presentations
DRK-12 PI Meeting, June 2023, Arlington, VA, "Professional development for culturally responsive STEM teaching in diverse rural communities." With Angelina Castagno, Brooke Moore, Brank Bowman, Becca Dovi.
DRK-12 PI Meeting, June 2023, Arlington, VA, "Technology-mediated lesson study: Facilitating three-dimensional science with rural teachers." With Heather Leary, Max Longhurst, Josh Stowers, Michelle Hudson, Tracy Poulsen§, Clara Smith§. International Conference on Learning Sciences, June 2023, Montreal, Quebec, CA, "Rural science teachers collaborative design and iterative implementation of three-dimensional lessons." With Max Longhurst, Bryan Holder, Austin Moore§, Heather Leary, Josh Stowers, Tracy Poulsen§, Clara Smith§.
Association for Science Teacher Education, Annual Meeting, January 12, 2023, Salt Lake City, UT, "The implications of technology-mediated lesson study in the professional learning of rural science teachers". With Tracy Poulsen§, Heather Leary, Max Longhurst, Josh Stowers.
American Association of Colleges & Universities, Transforming STEM Higher Education Conference, Poster Session, November 4, 2022, Arlington, VA, "An Ecological Model of STEM Faculty Change".
Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Education During COVID Symposium, October 20, 2022, Las Vegas, NV, "Pivot or Pivotal Moment: Can pandemic changes translate to post-pandemic transformations?", invited.
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, 39th Annual Conference, October 13, 2022, Billings, MT, "Uncovering the Connections between Rural Science Teachers". Tracy Poulsen§, presenter. Rebecca Sansom, Heather Leary, Max Longhurst, and Josh Stowers, co-authors. Refereed conference proceedings.
Utah Science Teachers Association, Annual Meeting, October 7, 2022, Provo, UT, "Crafting Questions that Support Student Reasoning in Three Dimensions: The Case of the Perm". With Lindsey Hansen§. invited. Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Think, Plan, Teach: Enacted Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Higher Education Symposium, August 2, 2022, West Lafayette, IN, "Why we do what we do: Factors that influence STEM faculty members' instructional decisions".
Utah Rural Schools Association, Annual Meeting, July 7, 2022, Cedar City, UT, "SEEd Standards: Science in Three Dimensions!"
Transforming Institutions National Meeting, Accelerating Systemic Change Network, Poster Session, June 9, 2021, online, "An Ecological Model for STEM Faculty Change".
American Chemical Society, 258th National Meeting, Get the Facts Out: Faculty & Student Perceptions of K-12 Teaching Careers Symposium, August 29, 2019, San Diego, CA, "Informal Science Teaching as a Gateway to Careers in Science Education", invited.
American Chemical Society, 258th National Meeting, Chemistry Education Research Symposium, August 27, 2019, San Diego, CA, "Easy as One, Two, Three: Adapting CER for the College Chemistry Classroom".
Gordon Research Conference, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, Poster Session, June 19, 2019, Lewiston, ME, "Understanding Instructional Decision-Making by STEM Faculty".
American Chemical Society, 257th National Meeting, Curricular Innovations in Undergraduate Chemical Education Impacted by NSF Symposium, April 3, 2019, Orlando, FL, "The STEM Faculty Institute: Understanding and Transforming Instructional Decision-Making", invited.
Utah Science Teachers Association, Annual Meeting, February 8, 2019, Provo, UT, "Writing Three-dimensional Assessments".
Professional Affiliations & Service
Proposal Review for National Science Foundation (14 panels, ~200 proposals)
Manuscript Review for Journal of Chemical Education and Chemistry Solutions (16 manuscripts), Chemistry Education Research and Practice (7 manuscripts), Journal of Science Education and Technology (3 manuscripts), International Journal of STEM Education (2 manuscripts), Frontiers in Education (1 manuscript).
Member of Utah State Science Education Coordinating Committee
American Chemical Society, Division of Chemical Education; Treasurer of the Central Utah Local Section of the ACS (2020-present)
American Association of Chemistry Teachers
National Science Teaching Association
Utah Science Teaching Association
Northern Rocky Mountain Education Research Association, Utah Representative to the Board