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Dr. Watt's complete Curriculum Vitae may be found here.

Selected Publications

Matias, C., Belnap, D. W., Smith, M. T., Stewart, M. G., Torres, I. F., Gross, A. J., Watt, R. K., Citrate and albumin facilitate transferrin iron loading in the presence of phosphate, J. Inorg. Biochem., 168 (2017) 107–113

Swensen, A. C., Finnell, J. G., Matias, C, Gross, A. J., Prince, J. T., Watt, R. K., Price, J. C., Whole blood and urine bioactive Hepcidin-25 determination using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Analytical Biochemistry (2017), 517, 23-30.

Watt, R. K., A Unified Model for Ferritin Iron Loading by the Catalytic Center: Implications for Controlling “Free Iron” during Oxidative Stress. ChemBioChem (2013), 14, 415-419.

Orihuela, R., Fernández, B., Atrian, S., Watt, R. K., Domínguez-Vera, J. M., Capdevila, M. Ferritin and Metallothionein: Dangerous Liaisons. Chem. Comm. (2011) 28, 47(44). 12155-7.

Watt, R.K., The many faces of the octahedral protein ferritin (Invited Review), BioMetals, (2011) 24 (3), 489-500