
PANalytical X'Pert Pro MPD Diffractometer
The PANalytical X'Pert Pro MPD diffractometer (P-XRD) analyzes polycrystalline samples with a sealed tube Cu X-Ray source and an X'Celerator detector. A Ge monochromator also routinely provides a monochromatic source of the Cu Kα1 wavelength (1.5406 Å). Programmable divergence and anti-scatter slits enable the use of both fixed slit (for amply thick sample volumes) and automated slit (for very thin sample volumes) configurations.
The standard configuration of the instrument includes a 15-position automatic sample changer coupled to a reflection/ transmission sample stage with sample spinning capabilities. A bracket sample stage is available for mounting wafers, films, and other flat solid samples (< 3.0 mm thick).
For in-situ high temperature experiments with powder samples, the instrument is equipped with an Anton Paar HTK 1200 high temperature stage (300-1200°C). For air-sensitive samples, the instrument is equipped with a capillary sample mount and a focusing mirror.
The PANalytical software programs X’Pert Data Collector (v ), X’Pert Data Viewer, and X’Pert HighScore Plus (v. 3.0) are employed to collect, view, and analyze P-XRD data. Access to the International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD) database is also available.
The P-XRD is routinely used to identify crystalline materials, calculate the crystallite size of nanomaterials, quantify mixtures of crystalline solids, refine crystal structures via Rietveld refinement, perform in-situ high temperature experiments, and perform capillary experiments for air-sensitive samples.

To analyze single crystals, the BYU XRD lab is equipped with a Bruker D8 Venture with a kappa goniometer, dual Cu and Mo diamond microfocus X-ray sources, a Bruker Photon-III detector, and an Oxford 800+ low temperature device. The latest version of the Bruker Apex software is available for data processing and analysis. Access to the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is also available.
This instrument is routinely used to solve small molecule single crystal structures. It can also be used to screen protein crystals while optimizing crysatllization conditions. Powder samples can be investigated both at room temperature and at low temperatures via transmission mode capillary experiments. Other non-traditional samples such as films and machined parts can also be investigated using specially-made sample mounts.

The two computers along the south wall of room C330 in the XRD facility are available for offline processing of XRD data. The software packages for analyzing data from both the P-XRD and SC-XRD are installed on both computers.