The Woodfield Lab Group studies industrially and technologically important materials.
Brian Woodfield | BYU Chemistry Dept. Faculty
Research Interests
The Woodfield Lab is interested in the study of superconducting, magnetic, nanocrystalline, or other technologically important materials using specific-heat measurements from as low as 0.5 K to 400 K. Current research projects are funded by the Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, and various private companies. The current research focus also includes the synthesis and characterization of a wide variety of alumina and titania catalyst supports and Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
Dr. Brian F. Woodfield is the founder of Cosmas, Inc., a new startup company focused on the production of a wide variety of metal oxide and mixed metal oxide nanoparticles.
Teaching Interests
The use of computer simulations of instructional laboratory experiences in introductory chemistry curricula.
Creator and Project Director for Y Science Laboratories: A set of realistic and sophisticated simulations covering General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, and now Biology. Funded in part by the Department of Education. These laboratory simulations are licensed to and distributed by Pearson Education for worldwide distribution. Current usage is approximately 1,000,000 students per year. Visit for details.