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Dr. Brian F. Woodfield has published 169 research papers and participated in 291 presentations at professional meetings, seminars, and workshops.
For a complete list of Dr. Woodfield's publications, click here.
For a complete list of Dr. Woodfield's presentations, click here.


B.S., Brigham Young University (1986)
M.S., Brigham Young University (1988)
Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley (1995)
NRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Naval Research Laboratory (1995-1996)
Associate Professor of Science, Southern Virginia College (1996-1997)

Representative Publications

J.L. Smith, K. Page, H.J. Kim, B. Campbell, J. Boerio-Goates, and B.F. Woodfield, "Novel synthesis and structural analysis of ferrihydrite", Accepted in Inorg. Chem. (2012).

Q. Shi, J. Boerio-Goates, K. Woodfield, M. Rytting, K. Pulispher, E.C. Spencer, N. Ross, A. Navrotsky, and B.F. Woodfield, "Heat Capacity Studies of Surfae Water Confined on Cassiterite (SnO2) Nanoparticles", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 3910-3917 (2012).

C.L. Snow, S.J. Smith, B.E. Lang, Q. Shi, J. Boerio-Goates, B.F. Woodfield, and A. Navrotsky, "Heat Capacity Studies of the Iron Oxyhydroxides Akaganéite (β-FeOOH) and Lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH)", Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 43, 190-199 (2011).

C.L. Snow, Q. Shi, J. Boerio-Goates, and B.F. Woodfield, "Heat Capacity Studies of Nanocrystalline Magnetite (Fe3O4)", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, 21100-21108 (2010).

S.J. Smith, R. Stevens, S. Liu, G. Li, A. Navrotsky, J. Boerio-Goates, and B.F. Woodfield, "Heat capacities and thermodynamic functions of TiO2 anatase and rutile: Analysis of phase stability", American Mineralogist 94, 236-243 (2009).

J.C. Lashley, R. Stevens, M.K. Crawford, J. Boerio-Goates, B.F. Woodfield, Y. Qiu, J.R.D. Copley, and R.A. Fisher, "Specific Heats and Magnetic Susceptibilities of the Spinels GeNi2O4 and GeCo2O4 in Magnetic Fields", Physical Review B 78, 104406 (2008).

Invited Presentations

B. F. Woodfield, "Implementing NGSS into the Science Curriculum Using Sophisticated Virtual Laboratories", New Jersey Science Teachers Association, Princeton, NJ, October 2014.

B. F. Woodfield and J. Schliesser, "Plenary Lecture: The Power of Low Temperature Specific Heat to Do It All", Japanese Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Osaka, Japan, September 2014.

B. F. Woodfield and J. Schliesser, "Origin of the Linear Term and Gapped Debye Term in the Low Temperature Specific Heat of Non-Conducting Solids", International Symposium on Structural Thermodynamics, Osaka, Japan, September 2014.

B. F. Woodfield, C. L. Snow, K. Brunner, C. H. Bartholomew and W. E. Hecker, "Synthesis and Thermodynamic Properties of Ferrihydrite for Use as a Fisher-Tropsch Catalyst", International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Durban, South Africa, August 2014.

B. F. Woodfield, "Using a Set of Virtual Laboratories to Enhance the Teaching of Chemistry and Chemical Thermodynamics", International Conference of Chemical Thermodynamics, Durban, South Africa, August 2014.

B. F. Woodfield and J. Schliesser, "Origin of the Linear Term and Gapped Debye Term in the Low Temperature Specific Heat of Non-Conducting Solids", International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Durban, South Africa, August 2014.

B. F. Woodfield, "Implementing NGSS Using Pearson's Sophisticated Virtual Laboratory Technologies", NSTA National Meeting, Boston, MA, March 2014.

B. F. Woodfield, "Ideas on Implementing NGSS Using Pearson's Sophisticated Virtual Laboratory Program", Algonquin, IL School District, Algonquin, IL, March 2014.

B. F. Woodfield, "Ideas on Implementing NGSS Using Pearson's Sophisticated Virtual Laboratory Program", Tinsey Heights School District, Tinsey Heights, IL, March 2014.

B. F. Woodfield, "Planting Seeds of Exploration and Innovation in the Science Classroom", Montwood High School, El Paso, TX, November 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "Planting Seeds of Exploration and Innovation in the Science Classroom", Eastwood High School, El Paso, TX, November 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, C. L. Snow, K. Brunner, C. H. Bartholomew and W. E. Hecker, "Synthesis and Thermodynamic Properties of Ferrihydrite for Use as a Fisher-Tropsch Catalyst", Asian Thermophysical Property Conference, Jeju, Korea, October 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, B. Huang, R. E. Olsen and M. Khosravi, "Unpresedented thermal stability, pore volumes, and control of pore structures for alumina and titania catalyst supports", Energy Materials and Nanotechnology, Orlando, FL, October 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "Planting Seeds of Exploration and Innovation in the Science Classroom", Elgin, IL School District, Elgin, IL, October 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "Planting Seeds of Exploration and Innovation in the Science Classroom", Algonquin, IL School District, Algonquin, IL, October 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "Teaching Chemistry Students How to Understand Modern Atomic Theory", New Jersey Science Teachers Association, Princeton, NJ, October 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "Sophisticated Virtual Laboratories for Chemistry, Physics, Physical Chemistry, and Biology", New Jersey Science Teachers Association, Princeton, NJ, October 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "Using a Set of Virtual Laboratories to Enhance the Teaching of Chemistry and Chemical Thermodynamics", Asian Thermophysical Property Conference, Jeju, Korea, October 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "Planting Seeds of Exploration and Innovation in the Science Classroom", NSTA National Meeting, San Antonio, TX, April 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "Development of a Novel Synthetic Pathway to Produce Highly Active Fisher-Tropsche Catalysts", ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "A Novel Synthetic Pathway to Produce Highly Active Fisher-Tropsche Catalysts", ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "Lessons Learned from Using Virtual ChemLab in the Classroom and in the Instructional Laboratory", ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "Planting Seeds of Exploration and Innovation in the Classroom", The Ohio St. University, Columbus, OH, February 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "The New Virtual ChemLab", Southern Nevada Math and Science Conference, Las Vegas, NV, January 2013.

B. F. Woodfield, "Energetics of Nanomaterials", BYU Physics Department, Provo, UT, December 2012.

B. F. Woodfield, "An Update on Innovative Online Revision and Review", Pamoja Capitol, Geneva, Switzerland, December 2012.

B. F. Woodfield, "The Next Generation of Virtual Labs. No Clean Up Required!", NSTA Regional Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2012.

B. F. Woodfield, "The Next Generation of Virtual Labs. No Clean Up Required!", NSTA Regional Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2012.

B. F. Woodfield, "Planting Seeds of Exploration and Innovation in Chemistry. You Can Make a Difference!", Elgin School District Workbook, Elgin, Il, October 2012.

B. F. Woodfield, "The Next Generation of Virtual Labs. No Clean Up Required!", Pearson Virtual Conference, Boston, MA, October 2012.

B. F. Woodfield, "The New Virtual ChemLab: Sophisticated Simulations for High School and AP Chemistry", New Jersey Science Teachers Association, Princeton, NJ, October 2012.

B. F. Woodfield, "Teaching Students How To Think Like a Scientist Using Pearson Education Virtual Laboratories", New Jersey Science Teachers Association, Princeton, NJ, October 2012.

B. F. Woodfield and J. Boerio-Goates, "Unique Lattice and Magnetic Properties of Materials at the Nanoscale", ICCT, Buzios, Brazil, August 2012.

B. F. Woodfield and J. Boerio-Goates, "The Virtual ChemLab Project: Calorimetry and Chemical Thermodynamics", ICCT, Buzios, Brazil, August 2012.

B. F. Woodfield, "Energetics of Nanomaterials", Department of Energy PI Meeting,Annapolis, MD, April 2012.

B. F. Woodfield, "Using Virtual Labs in Online Education", Pamoja Education, Oxford, England, February 2012.

B. F. Woodfield, "Virtual Biology: Pearson's New and Exciting Sophisticated Virtual Environment for Biology", Southern Nevada Math and Science Conference, Las Vegas, NV, January 2012.

B. F. Woodfield, "The Next Generation of Virtual Labs. No Clean Up Required!", NSTA Regional Meeting, Seattle, WA, December 2011.

B. F. Woodfield, "The Next Generation of Virtual Labs. No Clean Up Required!", NSTA Regional Meeting, Harford, CT, October 2011.

B. F. Woodfield, "Virtual Biology: Pearson's New and Exciting Sophisticated Virtual Environment for Biology", New Jersey Science Teachers Association, Somerset, NJ, October 2011.